
Monday, August 03, 2009

I'm trying...

but I feel slightly unmotivated to blog at this point.. to much other stuff going on and ya.. hmm what can I say, I just don't know what to post... everyday is about the same.. get up, most mornings go for a walk.. then get back clean and think about unpacking.. sometimes I do some of that.. and then I go over to John's mom & dad's so about typical.. then I go for a swim in the afternoon, wait for John to pick me up and then go home to finish making supper.. that is about the extent of my days! Definitely not exciting enough to blog about all the time!

Anyway, last Friday night we went to Yakima and finally bought a washing machine, (doing laundry elsewhere gets old fast!) which doesn't get delivered till Thursday since I won't be home tomorrow :( Oh well that meant one more time of doing laundry somewhere else. So I've spent most of my morning at Oma's doing it there! Which is where I need to head back to so I can get that done and then I go for my regular afternoon swimming time :) cause unlike in Alberta where you have some rain.. I'm still sitting here in 35 +/- degree weather.. :(

I will be posting pictures of our honeymoon in the next day or so, just so that you can have a peek at where we were and what we did :) Mainly because I know there is some of you out there who can't wait to see some pics! :)

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