
Monday, August 17, 2009

January Posts

Happy New Year!

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

Well just wanted to wish everyone all the best for 2009!

Hope you all have a wonderful time today!

January 2, 2009


Update on my New Years day!

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

Well it sure wasn't as exciting as it could have been but that is normal... since we can't always have tons of fun! Well after we got home from church and had lunch, as well as getting chores all done! I spent a few hours working on my quilt, which was with a few interuptions... I ended up running to the grocery store for mom to get some stuff, It wasn't to bad since it is only 5 minutes from home but in the end it usually takes about 1/2 hr. before you get back... and then we had an aunt of dad's who just so happened to come to Canada from Holland visiting... so that took a bit! In the end I got 3 rows sewn together... and left my stuff out so I can work on it once I get home today(if I feel like it!)

Last night we had our family get together but I will make that another post since I have pictures that I can post with it!

Right now I super duper tired! After having to little sleep (which is my own fault) 2 nights in a row... well I can tell!! This morning I had to drag my butt out of bed...... that is after hitting snooze for 3/4 hr.! And right now I so am hating the fact that I'm sitting here at the front all by myself!


Van de Bruinhorst New Year's Get Together

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

For our family get together we usually try to get together on New Years day which doesn't always work out since we need to rent a hall to fit everyone in! Apparently this year it all worked out! We get together with everyone around supper time and then hang out till around 11 or so... usually it is just a great chance to catch up with a few of your cousins and play some games etc.

Last night was all right.. just kinda whatever in a way as well though... Everyone was asking me where John was.. to which I told them well he is at home.. One of my cousins said to me, oh oh... that doesn't sound good already.. LOL But it is called I would rather have him save a bunch of his holidays so that we can have a honeymoon than not getting one...

Everyone is finally starting to get it figured out that we are engaged too though... had several people questioning me on that one.. kinda hilarious when we have been engaged for 5 months already! And then everyone wants to know when the wedding was going to be! It amazes me that it doesn't get mentioned... especially because I know all the aunts should know the date.. but who knows what is with that!

Anyway I guess no matter how much I don't feel like it I should get to work!


My dad's aunt from Holland talking to my Uncle Gerald, as well as Oma talking to one of her many grandchildren.


The boys really freaked out at me when I took this picture of them but there was not time for them to try escape.. at least not according to my cousin Rylan who said that my camera was so fast that there wasn't time to turn around much less disappear!


Sunnyside Pictues

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
James & Katrina

Ok, so here are some pictures from Christmas... above is James (John's Brother) and his girlfriend Katrina, who was there from Iowa for Christmas.

Mark & Matthew

John's Cousin's Mark & Matthew Van Wingerden...

Jennifer, Aunt Agnes, & Corina

Jennifer (cousin of John's from Calgary), Aunt Agnes, & Corina, who both live in Washington.

Driving home/Idaho

Our wonderful 13 hour drive home looked a lot like this for the most part, as a result of a lot of the snow the roads were in crappy condition! I will have some more pictures posted eventually... just takes me some time to get it all done!


The Quilt for our future bed!

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
My Quilt

This is what the quilt should look like once I get it all sewn together... this was right after I laid it out... takes a bit to get it all layed out the way you want it.. and then you have family members that think there are things that need to be changed.. my opinion is that it won't make a difference where I would put the blocks! And after all they don't have to live with it!

It seems more exciting now as well since we bought our bedroom set last Saturday! I will see if I can get a picture or so on my blog by copying it off of the website.. otherwise it is the Protege set.


Bed.. and Dresser.. Pictures

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

Ok, so this is what I could find... we also got the matching night tables but there isn't a picture on the website... We bought it at Ashley Furniture, after looking around in a few places this was definitely the one! We both liked it so we figured we might as well get it!

You can click on the picture and it will take you directly to the Ashley Website!

January 5, 2009


Tour of Work...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

Well all I can say is that finally after working here for almost a year I got a tour of the whole building! I had wanted it for a while but it just never seemed to happen! Due to 7 new employees starting today, we went through the whole facility even some parts that normally I would never get to go into. Some of the areas are Level 3 area's so you can't get in without showering in and out etc. etc... kinda crazy but yup we were in there today, since there were no animals in there we could!

Anyway that kinda made my day a bit more exciting than it would have been if I had sat at my desk all day!

January 7, 2009


I'm sick and tired of work!

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
Well after a super boring day I just want to go home and forget about work for 3 weeks... (dream on) Oh well, it would be good.. I would need to hibernate though to make it work... and then it would be the question.. I couldn't stay home that long doing nothing without driving me up the wall!

January 9, 2009


More Snow... ?? :)

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

Well after what we had yesterday afternoon, I don't know how much more of this snow I can handle as well as crappy roads.. they are the worst part of the weather conditions! Anyway they weren't to bad this morning so I won't complain to much

Other than that.. well I have had a super boring week at work.. I finished my pile of entries into the maintenance Work Order program this morning.. at least everything I can do.. so now I have to try find stuff to do for the rest of the day! Right now I'm trying to get the postage machine to cooperate so that it will have the new rates on Monday morning but it isn't cooperating at all.. After that well on to finding some other stuff to do.. like things that I took along from home.. more like wedding planning stuff but hey since I don't have anything else to do why would I waste my time!

Last night I actually got started on wedding invitations.. I'm not doing the printed part yet but I have got to cut/score/fold all the backs so I can get that done... and then all the rest of the fun stuff.. favours, napkins etc. etc.... well I think I still have enough stuff to do!


I'm soooo... bored!

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
I can tell I'm sick of sitting here at work and doing nothing significant.. oh ya surfing the web.. I know BAD! I have been looking for shoes.. and I found the exact ones they have in the bridal shoe that I like.. but they cost like $40 less... or there are several different options.. now I have to try decided.. but since it is Amazon I will have to figure out what I want.. I'm not really going to order 4 pairs of shoes!... hmm I think I have to decided which two pairs I like best and then choose from there... gotta go to the bridal shop and fit that pair on again.. I know what size that one is so that makes my life easier.... Oh well I would post a picture but I'm not letting a certain person see them before the big day I can't Unless he won't click on the link but I know better than to give him the opportunity.. he is getting pretty curious about some things!!! Not like I blame you John! LOL I guess you all just have to wait patiently...

January 10, 2009


What an afternoon!

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
Well all I can say is I do have some things figured out after this afternoon but as usual things take longer than you want them to and you don't get everything done... or maybe I just try to get to much done in one day! LOL Anyway I got somethings accomplished just not what I hoped to... being my tiara... now I'm sad but I will get over it! Anyway gotta go get some stuff done now!

January 12, 2009


Yes... I get to...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

...go buy my tiara today!! I'm so pumped and can't wait.. then I just need to head up to Calgary sometime to pick up my veil sometime! The sad part is by the time I get my veil my dress won't be around, since I need to get it altered But the good side of that is that when I get that all done I should fit my dress just right!!!

But the trip to Calgary will have to wait for a bit.. and I need to go do some more stuff then anyway.. such as heading down to IKEA to pick up napkins.. yes don't freak out but I'm doing tons of stuff myself for the wedding... but then if I start to freak out to much, well time for the gang (sisters/bridesmaids) to get involoved! LOL

January 13, 2009


I'm bored again...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
.. what is new!! Oh well I guess I should get doing some of the other things such as wedding stuff.. or knitting.. yup I have started to take a few things along from home so that I can keep myself busy! I figured I might as well make good use of my time since I don't have anything better to do half the time! But right now I feel like I could use better entertainment than that!
3:34 PM | Permalink | 1 comment

January 16, 2009


My Insane Day!!!

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

Well yesterday would have been fine if I would have only done what I first planned to do!! Which was go to work, and go home! But in the end, well first a parcel came in at Purolator, so OK, gotta go pick that up first, then I remembered I needed to get my name on the list a the quilt store, so I can get the quilt that I'm working on for our "future bed" (LOL) quilted, and I caved and got the fabric I saw a few weeks ago for another quilt! I know don't even start!!

Anyway, so I drive home, figure well now I will have just barely and hour at home and I can turn around and head back in but that was alright! Just as I am almost home, I get a phone call from mom, asking where I am, and if I can head back to town and pay for some stuff that dad needed for the water system they were putting in... Well I figure, 20 min there 5 in the store and 20 back, hmm I will be back on time to eat supper and go, so ya I guess that should work! Well I get 10 minutes out there my phone goes again, uumm you might have to go to Canadian Tire after and get some more stuff... so meet Uncle Gerald there, and then etc... Well Ok, that works, get there run into Home Hardware, pay for it, run back to him, he tells me what I need to get in CT, then he wants some coins so he can run to Tim Horton's.. I pretty much never have cash so, K we will run out there and I grab him what he wanted and myself a coffee, since I'm was tired and knew I would be fighting sleep all evening at the topic if I didn't! So Ok then to CT, and couldn't find what I needed... have to track someone down to ask, since the whole store is upside down due to renovations, and nothing is labelled properly... hmm turns out they don't have it, so phone dad... Turns out that was a wasted trip, since they could make it work with what they had from HH.. K get to my car check the time and freek out!!!!!! Run to A&W grab something to eat on the way home, get home run into the house brush my teeth and pretty much turn around and run out the door again, since I finally made it home around 7 and the topic was at 7:30! So that was my craziness for the day!! Much more than I needed!

January 19, 2009


Quick Weekend update..

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

.. well after a slightly boring and not so great weekend, I don't feel like being at work today but I guess it could be worse. Saturday morning I had no energy and was super tired but after not getting enough sleep all week that is no surprise either! Would have slept longer but got told I had to get out of bed.. more than once to be exact Anyway... other than that had to go for my first fitting on my dress for alterations... and since I'm not going to say to much about what is getting altered on here I guess all I will add is that I didn't feel like it and then mom wanting things her way is just getting slightly frusterating... but I'm sorta to the point if it isn't something that is the hugest deal I'm not going to cause a fuss.... I'm out of there in 6 months.. so really it isn't worth it! But things that I want a certain way.. well she can go figure out whatever she wants but it isn't happening.. after all it is John & my day not her's!

Sorry but I just have to vent.. somewhere.. somehow... and apparently my blog seems to be a great place to do so!

January 22, 2009


Talk about a Busy day!

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
Well for once I have had tons of stuff to do at work again! Which is great but it sucks the way it happens as well! Anyway more later!

January 23, 2009


I'm trying to be...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
... Productive... LOL After yesterday, and not having a ton to do today... well it seems a little bit crazy, not to be working! Other than that well I have been finding things that need to be done and finally doing them...which reminds me of something else that needs doing and I already told a friend I would go out for coffee after work... Hmmm... oh well I guess we will figure it out another day.. Now on to finishing minutes I go.. from two different meetings too yet!


Yay, finally done with work for the week!

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

I'm so happy that this week is over! Well apparently we are getting someone else at work in Amanda's place! She just pretty much up'd and left so now they figured they still need to fill the position, so we have a new person starting on February 9! Could be interesting! At least I have someone else to entertain me... eventually!

Anyway after work today I met with Leanna and we went out for coffee at Tim Hortons! Which was great btw... coffee just the way I like it and my all time favourite Chocolate Chip Muffin.. yummy! I think I'm going to be sad when I move away.. no more Timmy Ho's... Oh well I guess that will be the first stop everytime we hit Canada again! LOL Yup John now you know what you're in for... Gotta love it! Anyway we had a nice short visit.. like we don't see eachother enough.. Choir on Tuesday, and then again today... yup and everything else in between.. txting and IMsging...oh great fun! Anyway enough for now since my little sis is looking at me trying to figure everything out ! Not that it matters though... but whatever!

January 26, 2009


I'm getting excited..

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
.. Well after having a crazy day on Saturday, I was impressed that I actually managed to get all the strips sewn together on the quilt, I had 3 or 4 more to go at 5:30 and figured I might as well finish it! So now the border all the way around, and then I still need to sew the backing pieces together... buy some batting and we are set! I'm hopeing to get most of that done next Saturday and then I can bring it to the quilt store, who knows if I actually get it done on time enough I can start on some of the other things... pillows etc.. since we have a sleigh bed no need for the bed skirt, so that means extra fabric.. but not necessarily, that just means I need to come up with another idea... which I might have anyway... But that all depends on the house.. so that needs to wait. All I can say is yup I'm getting excited! Hopefully I can get it done soon and then at least that is one less worry for me!

January 27, 2009


Crappy Internet...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
Well it has been down most of the day.. which sucks.. but not that it should matter, other than the fact being I actually needed it for work today... for once unlike the usual, surfing stuff! LOL It seems to need some down time regularly so I do get used to it but when you are sorta bored... not that I need to be but I am.. and sooo... yup I'm on here again... Oh that is right I'm not supposed to say I'm bored anymore.. at least not according to Leanna!

January 30, 2009


I'm happy...sorta

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
.. well I'm not happy, happy... I have had a really crappy week and so that hasn't be a whole lot of fun... not going into details though so that is that. But I am sooo glad that it is Friday today! Talk about crazy though since I have way to many things to do after work and then a birthday party to go to tonight... which should be fun, and gives me a chance to get out and do something different. Hopefully forget about my bad week for a while as well and chill with friends would make it better... Anyway I can keep on complaining but I think I have done enough of that this week!


Wow.. getting married must be...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
.. in style.. at least in my dad's side of the family! LOL So far I have two other cousins who recently got engaged and are getting married... eventually with the size family we have more and more will get married in a year but I think so far there has only been one a year, maybe two.... but 3 well that is a new record... Anyway this morning when I found out about the 3 one I thought to myself well how many more could there be at this point... not that I'm trying to hurry people up or anything. It was just a interesting thought... right now I think there are only 4 or 5 others... of which one of the couples is getting married in 2010. As for the rest I guess we will wait and see what happens!

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