
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Link

So in case you haven't noticed I just wanted to point out that I have a new link in the sidebar of my blog. Namely one for my latest blog: Photography by Alise :) This is something that I wanted to start for a while already and finally decided that maybe I should, so it is going to be a working progress, and it will only include my pictures of nature, candid's, sessions like Engagement, wedding etc. Mainly anything that can get put under the tab "Photography" freeing up the space on this blog for remaining my random thoughts, as well as other things that I enjoy! :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Working on my tan/burn already..

LOL :) Yuppers Albertans time to start getting jealous.. actually after spending 6 hours in the sun yesterday and having a slight burn I decided that I had better wear a cap today so that at least some of my face wouldn't burn up really bad..  This way at least I will get a nice tan.. whoot!!

Definitely have got a bit of a red nose though.. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer ring a bell??! LOL! ;)  Oh well good times.. cause I don't think I've every started on my tan this early in the year.. I think my arms have got a good start as well!

Monday, March 01, 2010

I'm officially employed!

Well, I started working last week Wednesday.. officially I had a job that Monday. Since I've started working, well life seems pretty hectic, get up in the morning, pack my lunch, eat breakfast as I do so.. and run out the door.. sit at John's parents' for 1/2 hour drink a cup of coffee there and then off to the greenhouse to work.

I got a job working for Sunwest Growers which is John's aunt and uncles greenhouse which is a few houses down from his parents so that works out well for us since we have only one vehicle. John drops me off in the morning and goes to work and then I can wait for him at the end of the day at his parents' place. I end up eating my lunch and stuff there as well since most of their employees are Hispanics and they speak Spanish, the little english they do know is pretty difficult to understand.. so that works for me.. it also give me a chance to relax for a bit! ;)

Most days my job is clipping mint and then replanting the clippings after dipping it into "kelpac" (it is made from kelp and helps the clippings grow roots, btw I have no idea if that is how it is spelled but that is how it sounds!) and then planting it into plug trays.. oh yeah that joys. Not the greatest job but it is a job so I'm not complaining. Today I actually was working in Uncle Bill's field pruning some of his grape plants...

So last week my complaints were.. sore feet, back/neck, and being super tired.. so far this week.. well I've got a really sore hand and got more than enough blisters on it from holding a clipper for 6 hours of the day. Yuppers the joys.. hehe.. other than that well I've started working on my tan.. hehe.. it was gorgeous weather out today.. 15 celcius and so yup my forehead is slightly red..