
Monday, August 17, 2009

April posts

April 3


I'm at home for the...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

Yes, I am at home once again for a day... actually the second time this week... due to this annoying cold that I have, it seems to go away and then now it is worse than it was to begin with I will see what I get done today.. it isn't like I don't have any energy to do anything, just haven't been sleeping like I should be at night.. and also the fact that if I showed up at work with the cough I have today they would ream me hey then stick it we just take a sick day and do some other things.. it should all work out in the end..

April 7, 2009


First day back at work again...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

Let me tell you it sucks.. like crazy ... way to much to do to little time and now I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed.. kinda like when you just start a job and you feel like everything is hitting you and you don't know what to do first and last.. LOL.. anyway I have chior tonight so I will have to see how that goes because my voice is so not back to normal yet.. Sunday I couldn't sing worth beans in church so we shall see.. who knows I might just be in luck.. ya never know.. Anyway I should go I'm sitting here at the University using Leanna's laptop... Ya I need to go somewhere to chill for a while, and she wanted me to watch a video on Youtube but I can't at work or at home so I guess this is where I end up.. otherwise it would have been at the Library.. LOL...! Anyway that is all for now.. l8r!


Well my voice is almost gone...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

after spending 2 1/2 hours singing my voice decided that it was pretty much enough... in the end it was almost touch and go.. but I survived the evening.. so we are all good... LOL ! Now just the performance.. hopefully by then it is even better.. cause yesterday it was totally impossible.. but today apparently much better than I thought.. anyway that is that for my choir experience tonight...

April 9, 2009


Quick update...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
Well I have survived 3 days at work.. LOL! They have been pretty busy other than today so it is all good.. anyway so it is official.. I have handed my resignation letter in today.. so it is official! YAY!!!!! Anyway so that makes July 8 my last day... Anyway chior performance tonight and then off to see John I go... tomorrow that is...

April 10, 2009


Apparently I did survive last night...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

Well after running around like crazy I did manage to get everything done but not until almost 11:30 which I know that is insane but I was freaking out about finishing some invitations and then I had to pack all my stuff... in the end.. well just mean't little sleep for me... Which really does suck but hey I survive and that is all that matters..

Anyway I'm in Sunnyside now so I guess this will probably be all that for this weekend...

April 14, 2009


Stuff that is done.. that we did this past weekend..

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
Well all in all we had a very busy weekend... First of all on Friday we had church.. so we got there had a few hours to sit around and then that.. so after a long drive it was sorta brutal to sit somemore... Anyway so that was friday. Then on Saturday, we went Furniture shopping in the morning, check out a whole bunch of places and then it was decision time.. LOL Anyway so we bought a couch and loveseat.. and a coffee table.. and then the mattress... and that was that... I will post a picture of the couch later... hmm then in the afternoon I had a bridal shower from the church.. aaahhh freak out.. or not.. LOL according to John I don't freak out for things like that so no I guess I couldn't.. and I didn't... hmm got a whole bunch of neat stuff.. plus a bunch of stuff that you need for you house so that was awesome.. at the same time I met several new people.. don't ask me to remember though... To many people in one shot just doesn't work out great... then after we came back from the shower.. Alanna wanted some pictures of the two of us together so we did that and then some with Cynthia.. (eventually I will have to post some of those pictures..) and just had fun.. being typical Alanna and Alise together I guess.. just ask John.. hmmm oh ya and then at night we went out for supper with the whole family (other than Jeff) for Mom's birthday... Mexican food.. ask Alanna about it she was just thrilled! unlike me who sticks to the plan old taco salad.. like usual... they did give me a bad time about that but I don't care... I do what I want... nah nah nah naah naah!! so much for them trying to make me change my mind.. Went to Oma's for coffee later.. and that was that... Sunday well just a pretty typical day.. other than Alanna decided that we needed to go for a walk so Cynthia, Alanna, John and I went for a walk around the block.. well by the time I got back I figured I would be sore on Monday... turns out not as much as I thought I might be but I still had a sore butt... only thing was it got worse because we spent most of the day driving back home... Anyway so on the way home we stopped to go shopping in Spokane.. turns out what was supposed to be 1 1/2 hour shopping turned into closer to 2 - 2 1/2 hours.. oh well not like we really cared.. we had fun and that was all that mattered... I will post some pictures of our trip home later...hmm so we got home at what time in the end?? well 8:20 or something... So that is the story for the most part anyway!



By Alise Van de Bruinhorst


Ok, so here it the picture of the Couch and Loveseat.. we didn't get the chair since John wants a Lazyboy... Anyway you get the idea..

When we went shopping for furniture we wanted something that wasn't very big and clumsy since we don't have a lot of space.. so this is what we found.. 33 inches deep from back to front.. so it works out great.. turns out when we asked in the store 40 to 44 is very normal..

April 15, 2009


grrr work is making me go crazy!

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
Well after two days of sitting around more than half the day doing nothing.. I'm starting to go crazy! hmmm tomorrow I think I'm going to really have to try find something to do tomorrow or I will be reading... After work today we had the Mission Sale and then after that I had cards to make so I spent my evening doing that.. which works... tomorrow evening I have a clothes party so we will see how that goes... could be interesting... hopefully it works out good... seems like it should cause I have the right amount coming... (recommended)... let you know how that goes..

April 18, 2009


Washington Pic/Trip with Alanna

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
John's Parents' house... check out the daffodils..

Cynthia, Alanna and me... oh ya check that face out Alanna!

John's mom and their dog Oscar...

Pretty Flower?? yup forsure! Cynthia thought I was crazy for taking this picture but it is amazing how focused close ups of flowers can be...

Alanna and me... ya it was all about having some pictures together...

James.. I should have posted both pictures cause he sure didn't act like he wanted a picture at first... LOL

John, on the lawnmower.. yup that is what he did while we went to my bridal shower...

One of the many huge dairies in the area.. ya if you want a tourist attraction to see check them out.. LOL.. totally unlike anything you see here in Alberta!

Cows and more cows...


The Columbia River! This was on the way there...


Our House...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
Bedroom 1.. Our room...

Kitchen/dining area... Oh ya check out the appliances... Love them.. OR NOT!


At our Front door..

The back of the house..


Gotta check out the crawls space.. eh??

The bathroom/Laundry Room

from the other side..


Card Making...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
Brit decided that she had to be able to eat her chips but because they would make the cards dirty if she touched them with her fingers this was her solution...


Alanna, Janita, Brittany and me on the second day of cardmaking.. I had already done a whole bunch of stuff before so pretty much just glueing etc.

Evening # 1 pics... cutting is serious business

Oh crap they took a picture of me working??

Janita, Brittany and me...

Shocked or what?? haa haa



By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
Oh I figured I better say this cause I don't have pictures but we have a second bedroom and then the garage...


One more picture...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
Well my sisters told me I couldn't only put on funny picture of someone else on here so here is me... I don't always act normal apparently.. but this is sorta normal I think.. LOL I could post more funny ones but I will leave it at this.. enjoy!

April 21, 2009


I've been....

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
.. way to busy the last few weeks.. and not getting enough sleep, so for those of you who have to see me or talk to me.. well lets just say if you say the wrong thing/catch me at the wrong moment.. it could be interesting! I hate it when I'm this way.. but unfortunately I don't think it is going to get better this week unless I got to bed as soon as I get home this week... and then possibly a few other days... Simply put I guess I am grumpy..not all the time but like I said earlier.. some of the time.. or I might just have a snarky comment! Oops.. LOL


I can tell...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

that I'm tired... In my last post it is supposed to say "if I don't go to bed on time when I get home tonight..not this week... LOL

April 22, 2009



By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

What in the world..after having 25 degree + weather.. I think it was actually warmer than that but hey ya whatever... now we have this.. and I go to work like it is summer.. LOL I wore just a thin sweater (with a t-shirt) and flip flops this morning and ya so I came home in snow with that.. haa haa that is a good one or not.. mind you I don't mind the moisture but the fact that it is snow after it was that warm does suck!

Anyway other than that the usual boring day.. other than I finished a few things at work.. so I actually had something to do for once again.. not anything fun mind you.. stupid Lab Manual that won't make a difference to me in the end.. only my file.. I wanted to photocopy someone elses that is the same as mine and paste it in.. especially because it is something that is supposed to be done when you first start not when you are almost done and it won't make a flippin difference... yup I'm grumpy again.. only about that though...


About 3/4 hour later...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
Yup, you got it.. it is white.. in places but brrr it looks cold and it is cold..

April 23, 2009


Merry Chistmas... More pictures...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
Check out the layer on the truck.. my car was about the same!

OH look at it snow...this was about 2 1/2 hours later than the last one from last night.

check it out... Oh yup it was winter again... and ya what did I ship off to the states? My boots of course.. which I needed again.. oh well I borrowed Brit's for the day..


More snow pics

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst



APR more...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst


I accidentally deleted this one as I was posting..


Random - snitched a pic.. but it is cute!

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
Brit had this picture on her camera and I thought it was cute so I decided it needed to go on my blog..


Not so random...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

ha ha.. anyway..especially for someone...Oh ya and his name is John Yup can you tell I love my piano.. I will randomly sit down and play for a little bit, pretty much when I have other stuff to do.. and I need to be in the mood but it works.. this was last Saturday, since I had found some free downloadable music online and finally had the piece Fur Elise again.. Anyway for those of you who are interested it was from the following website: in a new window


April 25, 2009


Yay it is slightly nicer out... but...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

Well after the snow storm it is slightly nicer out but I don't think it will get a whole lot better considering the forecast.. in a new window

Flurries till Thursday at this moment in time... Rain today and then by tonight rain/flurries.. and then Sunday yup snow again.. Oh well I guess if that is what it wants to do it will... I'm sad though cause after the nice warm weather this isn't fun... nevermind the road to work is a complete disaster..


Pictures.. cardmaking and Teddy..

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
Aww isn't he cute.. I bought him at the ATB bank yesterday who are selling them as a fundraising thingy for the Childrens Hospital.. Yup he will match my living room colors so that is where he will be!

Card Making on Wednesday night with Leanna, Alanna, Brit, and me... :) Looks like tons of fun or not?

April 27, 2009


Since I'm relieved to have the invitations done...

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

.. now I'm excited.. and hmm I was going to say don't know what to do with myself but that isn't exactly right because I still have stuff to do. I have a quilt that I need to finish for someone who asked me to make it and I figured oh what is the big deal I have lots of time.. ummm yaaaa for how long..??? ha typical.. I will get it done but that means trying to find time and stuffing my agenda to the top like usual... am I stressing about it yet.. nope not in the least so as long as that stays that way I'm good.. once I get there well I need some help...

One thing that I hate about this weather is that it can't make up its mind.. seriously why did it have to get so nice and then turn around and get so crappy... especially cause the road to work is a complete disaster and not only that apparently my car isn't good enough for the bad roads... In my opinion it is but who knows... whatever I'm not getting into details.. I'm not mad so as long as I'm not mad no explaination necessary.... just sad cause I couldn't go to a friends early tonight.. but driving with mom and dad.. since they need to head that way and will be taking the truck... oh well I will survive.. just means I get a shorter visit.. and considering that we chat every day on gmail.. and then she is going to Ontario for a few months.. I will be bored at work and will miss her I guess.. hmmm I'm going to have to find another addiction! Or I need someone new to chat with all the time!

Anyway gotta finish the last few envelopes.. for the invitations.. and then I'm set! (I consider myself done which is why I say I am!)

April 28, 2009


Grrr.. stop asking people!!!

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
Okay so all fine and dandy go and drop off all the invitations, but people... stop asking about immigration stuff... I don't mind but having to explain the story that many times in a row is kinda annoying...
7:27 PM | Permalink | 2 comments

April 29, 2009


Leanna's Goodbye Party..

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst
Mind you even though she is only going to Ontario for two months I'm still sad.. Anyway so Leanna is on the left and her sister Melinda!

Her dad tried out my camera out and this is one of the pics.. I kinda like it so that is why it ends up on my blog of course..

Leanna's brother.. Austin and her dad, and John(my John's cuz) has his back to the camera.

Arthur, Bruce, Austin, and one of her little sis's.. don't know what her name is so will leave it at that..


another bro.. Me, Adriana, Elizabeth, Leanne.

Well that is that.. we just sat around and had a nice visit... mostly because most of them left early cause the roads were so bad...

April 30, 2009


Ha Ha.. I feel like I got a promo..

By Alise Van de Bruinhorst

.. or something.. apparently next week I will be doing the town run at work..(Picking up all the little things in the morning/mail etc.) I just found out today.. am I excited.. not really.. change of pace that is forsure.. but I guess I will have to see how that works out. I ended up running into town today because.. ya stupid me forgot to write something on the list for the person.. and of course no one else felt like it and it was my fault after all so yup I guess that mean't it was my job.. ha now all I can say it was kinda freaky driving the government van.... hmmm wow and it made me watch my driving.. believe it or not.. only cause it isn't my own and it sucks to have to go through paperwork for anything in the gov.. not that it being my own makes all the difference cause it sucks if you smuck that up to.. but ugh.. whatever I think you get what I mean.. not only that speed.. well way less of an issue in there cause I sure don't want to get a radar in the mail.. or get pulled over for that matter, especially not cause it is a government vehicle..

Anyway so that is my story/experience for the day.. tomorrow.. well apparently I need to go pick out some shoes at Mark's since I need steel toed shoes for the run.. yup gov. protocols for you..

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