
Monday, October 11, 2010

Soon the excitement begins..

Well, I plan to make tomorrow my big day! I am going to open up my Etsy shop.. I need to finish an apron first and then the news will be out.. I'm currently working on a business card that I can send/hand out to everyone I meet, which has me super excited! Here is a quick look at that (it isn't completely finished due to my site not being up yet):
I used My Digital Studio to create it, and really like how it turned out.. now it is just going to need some fine tuning etc. and then off to the printer ::wink::

Anyway for now my Etsy store will be selling, several different styles of cute aprons, as well as nursing cover-ups. So if you are looking for something fun like that let me know and I can definitely get you set up with either one, or both! ;)

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