
Saturday, August 18, 2012


Well it has been a while since I've posted a personal update on here. Seems like once you have a baby they take most of the free time you've got and what they don't take that means you try to straighten the house up while baby is sleeping. The fact that I'm working full-time as well doesn't help. 

Anyway, so things are going well here.. we are enjoying our precious little daughter. She is so much fun. A few weeks ago she found her thumb and now she loves to suck on it when she is going to sleep or tired. Then she rolled from her tummy to her back and a few days later from her back to her tummy. She has also discovered her toes first she spent just a week staring at them when ever she was sitting in her Super Seat or in her bouncy chair, now she pulls her legs up so she can grab them. So much fun, cute, and adorable stuff. I know I keep thinking to myself that it's unreal how cute she is and such a blessing. We are definitely enjoying every minute of our time with her! 

Well.... until she doesn't sleep at night like I'd like her to but it all comes with it. My mom gave me this fabulous book to read, it is called Loving the Little Years ~Motherhood in the Trenches, by Rachel Jankovic. I definitely recommend this book, very helpful and it really helps put things into perspective and makes those night time feedings not so bad after all. 

Other than that our daughter is growing like a "weed". We'll find out how much she weighs next Wednesday at the Dr.s but I wouldn't be shocked in the least if it's in the 16-17lbs range. We'll see how good my guess is :) Now here's a picture of her 

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