
Monday, July 19, 2010

Looking Back: A Year Ago - July 18, 2009

This was a day filled with many memories.. happy and sad! Happy because I was finally married to the most wonderful man in the world, sad because I was going to move to the US knowing that I wouldn't be back in Canada until I had my immigration papers taken care of!

That morning we went to my parents and unwrapped all our fabulous wedding gifts that we had received from our family and friends!

As well as another piece of wedding cake for anyone who was hungry enough to have a piece.. not me :(  We had just eaten breakfast before we went to my parents so I was way to full to even think about having another piece of cake... makes me sad even now thinking about that LOL! So I'm looking forward to our sheetcake "re-do" version of our wedding cake later on this week!

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