November 3, 2008
MON 3 NOV 2008 | Talk about a bad day... By Alise Van de Bruinhorst |
Well since someone didn't show up at work and then you talk to the manager and they say to wait for someone else to get in... and then I still get in trouble for not telling someone who thinks she is so important ?? I'm really frusturated right now since I did what I was supposed to and it is like they are ignoring that side of it! But whatever.. I just want to forget about it so I can get to what I need to do!
MON 3 NOV 2008 | #2 post for the day By Alise Van de Bruinhorst |
Ok, so this time on the wedding... John went to the lawyer on Friday and found out that we can get around it, by doing the paper work afterwards... so no hassle?? I wished.. now we still need to get something figured out after dad through the fact at me that it will be their 25th anniversary in October... and in a way I still just want to get married in July and just be like that is the way it is, sucks but what can you do... on the other hand I just don't know anymore... Hmmm maybe I need to brainstorm for a while yet... I just might have an idea but is it going to work??
Well I will keep you all posted!
November 6, 2008
THU 6 NOV 2008 | Don't I ever wish it was a long weekend! By Alise Van de Bruinhorst |
November 12, 2008
WED 12 NOV 2008 | Wedding Date By Alise Van de Bruinhorst |
Ok, so here is the date since I know everyone has been asking me when the big day is.. and now that we finally have it all figured out I may as well post it or I will still be answering five hundred questions about it.. not that I mind but I think if you know me a bit you know that I feel like I'm losing it now already! To much to think about and do.. not a good combo for me.. yet I seem to thrive on being busy... I don't know how that makes any sense but it seems to work for me! Even though I start freaking out before I get everything done!
In the mean time I am keeping all of you in suspense since I still haven't put it in here and I'm just rambling on and on!! LOL Soo are you ready for this...?? July 17 it is!
November 13, 2008
THU 13 NOV 2008 | Yay, someone really got a surprise! By Alise Van de Bruinhorst |
So after trying to get this info all in here yesterday and it backfiring on me hopefully today it works and nothing freezes on me!
Well as many of you are probably confused I wasn't home this past weekend because I took monday off of work and went down on Saturday! In the end mom & dad also went so that kinda made the drive slightly better.. but even then I would prefer to drive more of it myself.. just seems to make it go faster!
Anyway so on Friday night I talked to John's mom and had asked her to make sure that John wasn't at home if at all possible when I showed up! That was a success since he was busy working yet! Then Mom & Dad went to go book their hotel room so that there wouldn't be a vehicle standing around when John showed up either! John got a phone call from his mom wondering where something was staying and how much longer it would be before he would be home.. at least this would give us something to go by!
About 20 min later he comes home, and I was hiding, so he walks in the door into the kitchen it standing there talking to his dad, with his back turned to me. This was perfect because I walked up behind him and grabbed him by the shoulders, let go and just stood there waiting for his reaction.. he turns around and honestly the look on his face! It was awesome!! He stood there looking at me for a bit... and btw his dad had to ask him if that was how he says hi.. LOL Not nice when someone is in shock but very funny! He says hi, and then he got asked if that was all... so then I finally got my hug and kiss! (This is the part that I find the most hilarious!) Anyway so after that it still took him quite a while to begin putting all the pieces together.. so everyone kinda got a good chuckle at his expense! (poor John!) Anyway.. all in all it was a successful plan! (Even though his siblings almost spilled the beans several times!)
In the end that was one time and never again either since I don't think I would be able to pull that off again.. and also the fact being that now he is forever going to be asking questions!
It wasn't only the fact that I wasn't telling him but on Saturday afternoon around lunchtime I had Janita send him an email. Friday night I had a brilliant idea because I still had to make it look like I was as home, so I typed out a draft email and had her send it the next day! Thanks, to John for giving me all this info about what he was planning to do the next day! .. worked out great!
Anyway that is about it for now! And I need to get back at it.. I can't believe that tomorrow is Friday already though!
November 14, 2008
FRI 14 NOV 2008 | Can't believe that the week is over already By Alise Van de Bruinhorst |
I am amazed that it is Friday already... but that is no surprise seeing that I didn't need to go to work till Wednesday since Tuesday was a holiday and in the mean time I still manage to have a crazy week at work since everyone decides that they have things that need doing! I spent most of Wednesday finishing minutes and then yesterday and today photocopying and putting the copies in the binders for someone at work.. at least I managed to get most of it done but still have a little to do on Monday.. So I guess between all the info that I've posted in the last week you can pretty much figure out that my week has been rather hectic!
Tomorrow the plan is to go dress shopping in Calgary.. and who knows maybe, just maybe find a dress... I for some reason have my doubts about that but you never know! :)
That is is for now!
November 17, 2008
MON 17 NOV 2008 | Wedding Dress By Alise Van de Bruinhorst |
Well Mom & I went dress shopping on Saturday and guess what??.. I have actually found a dress!... I still can't believe it myself.. since I couldn't find one with everything that I wanted.. still not quite but we can make it so that it does.. but that is all I'm going to say... for the rest I guess everyone just needs to wait it out 8 months and then see.. LOL
The nice thing was that it was a Buy of the Rack... so that mean't I actually came home with it... crap now I have to hang it for 8 months to yet.. oh well at least that is one less worry!
November 19, 2008
WED 19 NOV 2008 | I'm glad choir is over! By Alise Van de Bruinhorst |

November 24, 2008
MON 24 NOV 2008 | Sick of being at home.... ?? By Alise Van de Bruinhorst |
Well last Thursday they pretty much told me they didn't want to see me at work until I was over my cold... so in the mean time I have been home for a few days. This in itself isn't that worst thing I guess but after 3 days I'm so going to work tomorrow no matter what! I have gotten quite a bit done on my quilt which is a good thing since otherwise I never seem to get very far and I kinda need to get it done! At least if we are going to end up with a quilt on our bed otherwise not.. but I don't think that really is an option.. I just want to get it done!
Anyway I should get back to work on it and I will post a pic later so that everyone can see the colors.. because I know there are several of you out there that keep asking when I'm going to post a pic so you can see the colors etc. So I guess until later!
November 25, 2008
TUE 25 NOV 2008 | Well I'm back at work! By Alise Van de Bruinhorst |
Finally after 3 long days of not going to work, I'm back at it! Kinda weird that it is Tuesday already and it is my first day at work for the week.. makes it sorta feel like Monday!
Well after some discussion turns out we are decking out this place for Christmas on Thursday afternoon so that should be fun! then there is the Christmas Craft Show this weekend as well... and the Christmas Party/Dinner from Work.. wow we are really getting to that time of the year..
Anway back to work I go.. and yes I will post pictures of my quilt.. maybe tonight maybe not.. I will have to see what happens when I get home.. all I know is here I thought I was almost ready to sew the squares altogether.. and then I found out that the pattern was mean't for a 8 x 10 size so 80 blocks and not for an 11x11 which would need 121 blocks.. so no I have to go cut a whole bunch more and sew some more squares before I can go lay it all out and figure it out! Oh well we are over half way so I guess if I keep thinking that way it isn't to bad!! ~
TUE 25 NOV 2008 | Quilt Blocks By Alise Van de Bruinhorst |

Well guess what... finally a picture.. LOL Well these are the colors.. for more pictures go look at the My Picture Album and it is in there! I just wanted to post on picture.. so this is the one with all of them, the others are closer ups of the different ones!
November 28, 2008
FRI 28 NOV 2008 | Way to much to do to little time.. By Alise Van de Bruinhorst |

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